It’s not just what we share with others, it’s how we share it.

Selected Written Topics

I have authored dozens of papers on a wide range of thought leadership topics. These are a few of my favorites and ones I have been told have been most impactful.


Amazon Just Picked Up a Stethoscope and Things are About to Get Interestng

Vantage - Connecting the Here and Now with What’s Next

TEDMED 2020 - Three Days of Inspiration, Three Key Takeaways

Curating Innovation When Lives are on the Line

Applying Human-Centered Design Principles to Get the Design Right

Post-Lean and the Future of Emergency Department Design

Halting the Spread of Germs: Designing for Infection Control

The New Psychiatric Emergency Department

Rethinking the Role of the Academic Medical Center

Selected Presentation Topics

I developed a love of presenting back in high school when I competed in Speech Team (I owned being a geek even back in high school), going all the way to national-level competition. In the years since, my love of spoken word has blossomed further as I’ve begun exploring the art of storytelling.


What We Should Have Learned From the Pandemic But Probably Didn’t

Healthcare Design in a Post-COVID World

Disruption in Healthcare – The Only Constant is Change

Tomorrow’s Healthcare Paradigm

Leveraging Creative Problem Solving to Innovate

Applying Service Design Strategies to Rethinking the Emergency Department Experience

Protecting Dignity, Enhancing Safety, Eliminating Stigma:  Advancing New Models of Behavioral Healthcare

Campus Master Planning: Strategies for Optimizing Health System Performance and Outcomes

"I'm a Five Star Doctor!" The Role of Social Media and Physician Profile Websites

The 15 Things Nobody Bothered to Tell Me About My Career in Emergency Medicine on the Way Out the Door

Meeting the Challenges of Tomorrow’s Cancer Patient

Looking Beyond the Obvious: Understanding What Really Matters in Planning the Ambulatory Care Center of Tomorrow

Integrating Digital Solutions: Planning a Digital Healthcare Strategy That Works for All Consumers

Featured Content…

WATCH: Collective D(esign): Episode 2 - Healthcare Designers at the Forefront

COVID-19 has thrown everything we know as a society into complete chaos. In this webinar hosted by the International Interior Design Association I share my insights on COVID-19 is impacting both the healthcare and design industries today and into the future.

READ: How Design Plays A Role In Responding To The Coronavirus Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is the greatest challenge facing healthcare in a century. Just adding space will not solve the challenge when other resources are limited. Healthcare needs holistic solutions best achieved through the design process.


TEDMED 2020 - Key Takeaways From Healthcare’s Premier Innovation Symposium

TEDMED has transformed my world for the better, and it continues to make me a better strategist, a better clinician, a better colleague, and a better human.   Read about the three most profound nuggets of inspiration I walked away with this year.


In the Media…


READ: How Design Plays A Role In Responding To The Coronavirus Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is the greatest challenge facing healthcare in a century. Just adding space will not solve the challenge when other resources are limited. Healthcare needs holistic solutions best achieved through the design process.

LISTEN: Pivoting From Doctor to Doctor-Designer-Executive The Story of My Journey

Listen to a podcast where I tell the story of my personal and professional journey from doctor to design strategist and change-maker. It;s a great listen for anyone seeking to pivot there career and those who feel like they want more.

READ: Hospital Designs to Bolster Security

How architectural features can make hospitals safer and more inviting for patients at a time when there is increasing risk of violence.

READ: Strategic Design Fosters Innovative Business Leaders

Learn about how innovative leaders are leveraging formal design education to change the world.

READ: The HCD 10 Clinician: Manuel Hernandez

The HCD 10 honors design professionals across 10 categories, shining a spotlight on the stars in the design industry.

READ: Leadership & Management: The Art of Stopping

Most people understand innovation as starting something new.The lesser discussed side of innovation is when you stop something.

“Something unique about working with Manny is that he sets an expectation and lets you ‘run with it’ or find your own way to an answer. I appreciate this a lot about him. It encourages people to pave their own path, feel confident in their decisions, and is a strength in terms of leadership.”

— J.E., colleague